Strings and Things Episode 9 Trailer

On the next Strings and Things podcast, a new music guitar maven looks back on how his family helped set him on his career path. James Moore, a co-founder and director of Dither, the electric guitar quartet, will be here with his National steel string while our host Patrick Grant works on an Ovation Balladeer. James tells us what his grandmother taught him about composition, and discusses his recording of John Zorn’s Book of Heads, a set of eclectic etudes for solo guitar.

Strings and Things: Tilted Axes Album Release

Thanks to everyone who’s been listening to the Strings and Things podcast! We really appreciate you spending time with us and our talented guests while we do the glamorous work of changing our gummy guitar strings. But, we want to let you know about another project we’ve wrapped up here at Peppergreen Media:

It’s the new Tilted Axes album!

You may remember we’ve met some of the guitarists on the podcast through Patrick’s project, Tilted Axes: Music for Mobile Electric Guitars. It’s both a processional event and an ensemble of electric guitarists. They use portable amplifiers strapped to their sides as they criss-cross the urban landscape and play music for unsuspecting audiences. Anywhere from 9 to over 40 guitarists have performed in a Tilted Axes event, playing compositions that Patrick’s written specifically for the group, the project’s host city, or various cultural occasions.


If you haven’t had a chance to see Tilted Axes on the streets of New York, Detroit, Germany or Brazil, here’s YOUR chance to check out the unique and intricate textures of the mobile electric guitar procession. Whether we’re out on the streets or in the studio, Tilted Axes is an eclectic ensemble of musicians, producing potent and polyphonic guitar music.

You can listen to the Tilted Axes album at Soundcloud and Spotify or download a copy at Bandcamp, iTunes, or wherever good digital music is sold. Thank you!

Daniel Reyes Llinas: Strings and Things

On this episode of Strings and Things, Daniel Reyes Llinas loosens the pegs on his custom Strat while our host, Patrick Grant tunes up a sparkly Danelectro.



Daniel takes us back to his childhood in Colombia, where he sang in the choir until his godfather gave him money for his first guitar. He was self taught until beginning formal instruction with Carlos Castilla and he went on to study classical guitar at Andes University in Bogotá.

But like many young musicians, Daniel was also drawn to pop and rock and formed a couple of bands with frends. He points to his early love of the Beatles, his Dad’s Pink Floyd and ELO records, New Wave and Latin rock, and finally, the discovery of King Crimson, as signposts in his musical development.


Proving that one does get to meet one’s heroes, for the last decade, Daniel has studied in Robert Fripp’s Guitar Craft courses, and performed in Fripp’s Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists. He released a first album called “Molino” and has worked on the scores for several films. He’s the composer and co-founder of Parias Ensemble, “an instrumental group dedicated to blurring the lines of improvisation and written music”.

Find out more about Daniel’s work at his website,

Strings and Things Episode 8 Trailer

A Colombian-born, New York City composer brings in his custom Strat and looks back on his earliest musical influences.

Daniel Reyes Llinas, co-founder of the Parias Ensemble takes us back to his first 10 dollar guitar and traces his evolution as a musician through some of his favorite genres: classical, pop, new wave, metal, jazz and progressive rock. Then he’ll tell us what he’s cooking up when he’s not onstage or in rehearsal.

Join our host, composer/performer Patrick Grant, on the Strings and Things podcast, where guitarists come by to change their strings, tell some stories and play music. Look us up on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

Angela Babin: Strings and Things

On this episode of Strings and Things, Angela Babin drops by to work on a Melody Maker that hasn’t been out and about in years, while our host Patrick Grant restrings his studio-weary Les Paul. They’ll swap stories about the weirdest gigs they’ve played in New York City, and talk about how numbers and math inspire Angela’s current compositions. Then they’ll amp up for a special Strings and Things duet.



Since picking up the electric guitar at 14 years old, over the years Angela’s performed in a wide range of venues, from Folk City and CBGBs, to BAM and the Berlin Jazz Festival. She entered the downtown New York music scene with the band Off Beach, and played guitar in the nine-piece experimental rock group The Ordinaires. The Ordinaires were compared to Philip Glass, Captain Beefheart, Henry Mancini, Husker Du and Stravinsky – all at the same time! You may remember their cover of “Kashmir” was all over MTV at the time:


Angela performed with Homer Erotic, founded by poets Maggie Dubris and Barbara Barg, as well as the groups Alpha Cat, Inviolate, The Raging Hormones, and The Blacklite Orchestra. She’s currently playing guitar with the blues-based Gotham Roots Orchestra, formed by composer/producer Cristian Amigo.

photo by Marc Latrique

There’s a great blog post on the Prepared Guitar website where you can find out much more about Angela Babin and her work. Check it out!

Strings and Things Episode 7 Trailer

A 1963 Melody Maker comes out of retirement for a much needed tune-up when Angela Babin, guitarist for The Ordinaires, Homer Erotic and The Gotham Roots Orchestra drops in on the Strings and Things podcast. She’ll describe some of the musical games she played with her father, who was himself a child prodigy, and she’ll tell us how her fascination with numbers inspired her current musical project.

Join our host, composer/performer Patrick Grant on the Strings and Things podcast, where musicians come by to change their guitar strings, talk about things and play some music. Look us up on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play or right here at

Strings and Things: A Midseason Message

Thanks to everyone who’s been listening to the podcast and all the guitarists who have spent time with us so far – it’s been a blast! The show is going on a brief midseason break and will be back in June with new musicians, more duets, and a whole lotta dirty strings!

In the meantime, we hope you’ll scroll back and dig into previous episodes of Strings and Things you may have missed. Join us when we return in a few weeks! Check us out on iTunes, Stitcher and Google Play.

Strings and Things is a Peppergreen Production for Headstepper Media.

Randolph Hudson III: Strings and Things

Above Photo of Randolph Hudson III by Bryan Downey.

This week on the Strings and Things podcast, Brooklyn native Randolph Hudson III is here to work on a limited edition Veilette-Citron guitar, while our host Patrick Grant restrings a favorite Danelectro.



Randy’s going to tell us about the history of the EBow and where you’ve heard it before, and we’ll hear about trying to be an environmentally conscious guitarist when you also have a jones for tube electronics.


In the late 70’s through the late 80’s, Randy was an active member of the Downtown NYC scene with John Zorn, Kramer, Ann Magnuson, Ralph Carney, Daved Hild, Coby Batty of the Fugs, and many others. He’s co-written, recorded, performed with members of Gong, The Waitresses, The Fugs, Psychedelic Furs, and Captain Howdy. Randy joined Magnuson and Kramer in Bongwater as a recording and touring member of the band. He formed a duo called Bowing with composer and electro-acoustic violist Martha Mooke, and he also co-founded EBQ: The Electronic Bow Quartet. He currently performs with Klyph Black, Joe Delia, and The Complete Unknowns, a group celebrating the music of Bob Dylan. In 2010, Randy founded the 2D/3D Blu-Ray department of DuArt Film and Video. You can visit him at

Strings and Things Episode 6 Trailer

On the next Strings and Things podcast, guitarist Randolph A Hudson III (Bongwater, Kramer, Bowing) restrings his bright red Veillette-Citron Shark baritone, and explains to our host, Patrick Grant, how he became a wizard of the EBow. We’ll find out what other uses he had for his record collection, and he’ll tell us how it ain’t easy being green when you’re a stickler for fine electronics.

Join us for the next episode of Strings and Things, the show where players come by to change their strings, talk about things and play some music. Strings and Things is a Peppergreen Production for Headstepper Media.

Anthony Mullin: Strings and Things

This time on the Strings and Things podcast, we have Anthony Mullin, from the merry band of head-banging hard-rockers called The Blackfires. He’s here to work on a very special Les Paul with a cool backstory, and he’ll tell us how his PhD influences his musical efforts.


While he and our host Patrick Grant re-string their guitars, we’ll hear how Anthony’s parents played a pivotal role in his early days as a musician, and we’ll find out what riffs and records inspired Anthony’s blues-based approach to his own playing.


Hailing from Leeds, England, Anthony joins an international crew of dedicated rockers in The Blackfires and the group is in a significant moment in their career. Enthusiastically described as a “hard rock circus,” their live shows garner raves for the rollicking energy and potency of the band’s performances.

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After opening for Aerosmith in Russia and continuing a busy live schedule, the band heads into the studio this summer to work on a new album. Your can find out more about Anthony and The Blackfires at their website,